ASSIGNMENT NO. - 5 (Related to Single Linked List)
Write a program to create a singly linked list. This is to practice traversing a linked list. Given a pointer to the head node of a linked list, print each node’s data element, one per line. If the head pointer is null (indicating the list is empty), there is nothing to print. Solution
Function Description Complete the printLinkedList function in the editor below.printLinkedList has the following parameter(s): SinglyLinkedListNode head: a reference to the head of the list
Input Format The first line of input contains n, the number of elements in the linked list. The next n lines contain one element each, the data values for each node. Constraints 1<=1000 1<=list[i]<=1000
Output Format NA
Sample Input 0 2 16 13 Sample Output 0 16 13
Write a menu program for following operation of Singly Linked List toInsert a node at beginning. Given a pointer to the head of a linked list, insert a new node before the head. The next value in the new node should point to head and the data value should be replaced with a given value. Return a reference to the new head of the list. The head pointer given may be null meaning that the initial list is empty.Solution
Function Description: Complete the function insertNodeAtHead in the editor below. insertNodeAtHead has the following parameter(s):
SinglyLinkedListNodelist: a reference to the head of a list data: the value to insert in the data field of the new node
Input Format The first line contains an integer n , the number of elements to be inserted at the head of the list. The next n lines contain an integer each, the elements to be inserted, one per function call. Constraints 1<=n<=1000 1<=list[i]<=1000 Output Format NA Sample Input 0 5 383 484 392 975 321 Sample Output 0 321 975 392 484 383
Write a menu program for following operation of Singly Linked List to Insert a node as per given position. Given the pointer to the head node of a linked list and an integer to insert at a certain position, create a new node with the given integer as its data attribute, insert this node at the desired position and return the head node.A position of 0 indicates head, a position of 1 indicates one node away from the head and so on. The head pointer given may be null meaning that the initial list is empty. Solution
Example head: refers to the first node in the list 1->2->3 data=4 position=2 Insert a node at position 2 with data=4. The new list is 1->2->4->3
Function Description Complete the function insertNodeAtPosition in the editor below. It must return a reference to the head node of your finished list.
insertNodeAtPosition has the following parameters: head: a SinglyLinkedListNode pointer to the head of the list data: an integer value to insert as data in your new node position: an integer position to insert the new node, zero based indexing
Returns SinglyLinkedListNode pointer: a reference to the head of the revised list Input Format Input Format The first line contains an integer n, the number of elements in the linked list. Each of the next n lines contains an integer SinglyLinkedListNode[i].data. The next line contains an integer data, the data of the node that is to be inserted. The last line contains an integer position .
Constraints NA Output Format NA Sample Input 0 3 16 13 7 1 2 Sample Output 0 16 13 1 7
Write a menu program for following operation of Singly Linked List to Insert a node at the last of the linked list. You are given the pointer to the head node of a linked list and an integer to add to the list. Create a new node with the given integer. Insert this node at the tail of the linked list and return the head node of the linked list formed after inserting this new node. The given head pointer may be null, meaning that the initial list is empty.Solution
Function Description Complete the insertNodeAtTail function in the editor below. insertNodeAtTail has the following parameters: SinglyLinkedListNode pointer head: a reference to the head of a list int data: the data value for the node to insert Returns SinglyLinkedListNode pointer: reference to the head of the modified linked list Input Format The first line contains an integer n, the number of elements in the linked list. The next n lines contain an integer each, the value that needs to be inserted at tail. Constraints NA Output Format NA Sample Input 04 141 302 164 530 474 Sample Output 0 141 302 164 530 474
Write a program to delete a node at beginning of Singly Linked List. Solution Given a linked list, the task is to remove the first node of the linked list and update the head pointer of the linked list. Sample Input 0 2 -> 4 -> 6 -> 8 -> 33 -> 67 -> NULL Sample Output 0 4 -> 6 -> 8 -> 33 -> 67 -> NULL
Write a program to delete a node as per given position of Singly Linked List. Solution Input Format The first line of input contains an integer n, the number of elements in the linked list. Each of the next n lines contains an integer, the node data values in order. The last line contains an integer, position , the position of the node to delete. Constraints 1<=n<= 1000 1<=list[i]<=1000 Sample Input 0 8 20 6 2 19 7 4 15 9 3 Sample Output 0 20 6 2 7 4 15 9 Explanation 0 The original list contain 20->6->19->2->7->4->15->9 . After deleting the node at position 3 , the list is 20->6->2->7->4->15->9
Write a program to delete last node of Singly Linked. Here just declare a temporary pointer temp and assign it to head of the list. We also need to keep track of the second last node of the list. For this purpose, two pointers ptr and ptr1 will be used where ptr will point to the last node and ptr1 will point to the second last node of the list. Solution
Sample Input The list contains: 10 20 30 40 Sample Output The list contains: 10 20 30
Write a Program to reverse a link list Solution
Input Format The first line contains an integer t , the number of test cases. Each test case has the following format: The first line contains an integer n , the number of elements in the linked list. Each of the next lines contains an n integer, the data values of the elements in the linked list. Constraints1<=t<=10 1<=n<=1000 1<=list[i]<=1000 Output Format NA Sample Input 0 1 5 1 2 3 4 5 Sample Output 0 5 4 3 2 1
Write a program in which contain singly linked list whose elements are type integer. Now break these linked list into two linked list and one list contain all even node and another contain all odd node. Solution
Sample Input 0 Original Linked List 0 1 4 6 9 10 11
Sample Output 0 Modified Linked List 0 4 6 10 1 9 11