Write a program in C to implement Queue using Array Solution i. Insert ii. Delete iii.Display iv. Exit
Input Format First line contains the Menu followed Input for given menu
Constraints NA
Output Format The output based on the Menu
Sample Input 0 1 23 1 120 1 45 3 2 3 2 3 4
Sample Output 0
->23 ->120 ->45
Implement a Circular Queue using arrays with the following operations. Solution i. Insert (Display “Queue Overflow” if queue is full). ii. Delete (Display “Queue Underflow” if queue is empty). iii. Display (Display NULL if queue is empty). iv. Exit
Input Format First line contains the Menu followed Input for given menu. Constraints NA
Output Format Print the out put based on the Menu
Sample Input 0 1 12 1 30 1 45 3 4
Sample Output 0 12 30 45
Write a program to evaluate Postfix expression Solution Input Format
The first input will be a single integer N denoting the number of test cases to take. After this there will be exactly N lines, each line a valid postfix string. The string will be a valid postfix expression consisting of only integers and binary operators (+, -, *, / and ?). Every integer and operator will be compulsorily separated by a SPACE. The symbol ‘?’ denotes the end of expression
Output Format
Exactly N lines, each line denoting the output of the expression. In case the output is in fractions, please print only the integer part of the output.
Sample Input 0 4 12 23 + 14 - ? 2 43 12 * + 12 + ? 12 3 + 12 3 + * 12 3 + / ? 32 34 12 * + 1 2 + * 1 1 + / 23 21 - * ?
Sample Output 0 21 530 15 1320
Write a C program to Convert an infix expression into postfix expression. Solution Input Format
The first input will be a single integer N denoting the number of test cases to take. followed by N infix strings. Binary operators (+, -, *, / and ?) and parenthesis. Every integer, operator and parenthesis will be compulsorily separated by a SPACE. The symbol ‘?’ denotes the end of expression.
Output Format
N lines denoting postfix expression. Every integer and operator must be separated by a single SPACE
Sample Input 0
1 ( ( 32 + 34 * 12 ) * ( 1 + 2 ) / ( 1 + 1 ) ) * ( 23 - 21 ) ? Sample Output 0
32 34 12 * + 1 2 + * 1 1 + / 23 21 - *